Where do you live? Lino Lakes, MN
How long have you been shooting? Over 10 years
Favorite place to shoot? The park near my house, it has everything, trees, water, bridge, and cattails
How would you describe your style? contemporary
Best part of being a wedding photographer: The excitement of the day! The beauty of everyone and everything
Would you trash your dress? Oh yeah! Just give me a couple of months to fit into it again.
What advice do you have for future brides? Let loose after the ceremony. Don’t be afraid to be a little creative and have some fun with your dress. You ‘ll only wear it once!!
What advice do you have for other photographers? Never stop learning. Never stop striving for what you want, your goals for your business.
I have never… Missed a wedding! (Don’t jinx me!)
I’m looking forward… to photographing someone famous!I kind of did already, but I want someone REALLY famous!
I would like to meet… other photographers with great ideas and creativity
I’m addicted to… photoshop! I can work on one image for hours. It’s like a painting, where you feel like it’s never finished.
Why/How did you decide to go into photography It started in High School, and college. I enjoy it so much! It’s become such a passion for me.
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? having a commercial building for my business.
Who do you admire most? My father-in-Law. We never knew what an amazing photographer he was until he passed away. We found hundreds of photos that were taken in Okinawa, Japan, during the war. They’re brilliant!
What makes a perfect trash the dress session? A willing and creative participant
Where do you get your inspiration from? Other photographers, and they’re websites
Name 3 things you are thankful for My family, friends, and talent
What is the best compliment you have received on your photography? Two actually. The first one was when Seventeen Magazine called me from New York to shoot a fashion show for Macy’s. I was stunned! I guess websites really work! The second thing just happened a couple of weeks ago. My printing company, Collages.net called me to tell me they want to feature some of my photos for their upcoming ad in The Knot magazine. Again, I was stunned, and honored. They said that they chose the top 5 photographers in the twin cities to put in their ad. Awesome!!
What is one thing your clients should know about you I’m very casual. I don’t like uptight affairs. The people that usually book with me, have a similar style, and are pretty casual themselves. I like to keep things calm under pressure.
Any advice for brides trying to decide whether or not to trash the dress Just do it! You only wear it once!
1 comment:
All your photos came out great!........ Can't wait for the next session, see you guys there!...
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